
Population Health Management

Liberty Healthcare provides independent assessments of need, facilitates enrollment and eligibility, and monitors the quality of services and service delivery.

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Quality outcomes through informed decision making.

Liberty Healthcare helps state Medicaid and human services agencies make care management decisions that improve health and financial outcomes. We provide independent assessments of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), mental illness, and related conditions to determine eligibility for Medicaid services and assess the quality of the services and supports they receive.

On these programs, we typically deploy nurse assessors, I/DD assessors, quality reviewers, and other mobile personnel. These resources travel to participant homes, residences, and provider sites to interview recipients and evaluate providers and compliance. Liberty also helps customers design and implement quality assurance and management initiatives that improve overall service delivery.

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Our Solutions in Practice

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Liberty provides independent assessments of adults and children to determine waiver eligibility and eligibility for behavioral health services under two distinct contracts with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

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D.C. Department on Disability Services

Since 2010, Liberty has surveyed all day and residential services, providers, and annual reviews for the District of Columbia’s I/DD HCBS waiver programs.

Pennsylvania Adult Protective Services:

Liberty conducts investigations of alleged abuse, neglect, exploitation, and abandonment of adults with disabilities throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

North Carolina Personal Care Services

Liberty provides statewide independent eligibility assessments for Medicaid beneficiaries who may be eligible for Personal Care Services (PCS).


reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation fielded and screened since program inception in 2014


assessments performed yearly to determine eligibility for personal and related long-term care supports and services


initial and annual level of care assessments for children and adults with I/DD

Explore Other Liberty Healthcare Solutions

Liberty Healthcare Corporation Completes SOC 2 Type 2 Audit, Reinforcing Commitment to Customer Data Security and Privacy

Liberty Healthcare Corporation, along with its subsidiaries and affiliates, proudly announces the successful completion of the SOC 2® Type 2 and SOC 3® audits. This achievement, conducted by A-LIGN, underscores Liberty’s dedication to the highest standards of data security and privacy.

Mother with daughter with Down Syndrome playing at home

Liberty of Oklahoma Makes Strides in Clearing the HCBS Waitlist

Liberty and DDS are on track to clear the 13-year HCBS waitlist within just two years. This remarkable achievement showcases the state’s and company’s dedication to providing supports and services to individuals and families across the state.

Logos of LifeCourse Nexus partnership and Liberty Logo

Liberty Enters Corporate Partnership with LifeCourse Nexus

The partnership will enhance Liberty programs and services that support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by integrating the Charting the LifeCourse person-centered framework and tools.